Our Roots

Our Story of Passion

We are the pioneers of the future aimed to conserve our environment with the deep love we have for Mother Nature, animals and people.

With a young, vibrant energetic and passionate team, we are here to make a difference, not only in the lives and hearts of people around the world, but also to make a positive environmental impact that will last for generations.

Coming from the corporate world, working in marketing and engineering, we have dedicated our lives to cultivate a new way of living and to help build solutions that will impact our world for the better.

We see the future as an ocean of opportunity and hope, as we are Warriors of the Light, here to set out our goal to protect what we have on this earth and to manifest each and every person’s eternal worth.

We are the future leaders in creating sustainable communities by focusing on green technologies such as Organic Farming to grow healthy fresh produce for the nations. This initiative continues to focus on creating sustainable income streams that will bring forth new hope for the economy, its people and the environment.

Earth Owl is driven to restore the foundation of our human consciousness, so that we see with our eyes and feel with our hearts in order for our brothers and sisters to truly appreciate the true beauty that was given to us and to help protect it with integrity, honour, wisdom and courage.

Our Mission

  • Using Organic Farming technology to achieve food sustainability.
  • To grow fresh nutrient rich produce that will provide sufficient nutrition for our people especially children in early development stages.
  • To build strong self-sustainable communities with the foundation of hope, faith and love.
  • Conserve water through rain water harvesting methods and river clean-up projects.
  • Reinforcing tree planting projects and tree planting events.
  • To train and up-skill neglected and disadvantaged communities so they can obtain the needed skills to start and grow their own agri-businesses.
  • To encourage and educate the youth to enter into the agricultural sector and educate them on the benefits of sustainable living for future generations.
  • To build strong and impactful CSR projects with our customers and ensure the projects remains successfully sustainable for years to come.

